I can’t believe it. Today I’m turning 34. I still feel (in some ways) like I did when I turned 21. In some ways though, I realize how “grown up” I’ve truly become. I’ve hit a stage in my life where I’m changing and in some ways I wonder why it took me so long to come to these “conclusions.” Each Birthday I have, I like to sit back and think of what’s changed, what I’ve learned and what I need to remind myself. I figured why not share these with you guys?!? I feel like my life lessons might be helpful AND maybe you guys could offer advice as well.
1. Who the F cares?!?
I used to worry way too much about what others thought. I’m working on it. The people pleaser in me struggles with this, BUT I’m realizing worrying about what others think (to a point) will get me nowhere. It’s a constant work in progress!
2. If you ask for a blender for Christmas-It’s ok!
I realized this year that things were changing, people. I asked my mom for a blender. In all honesty, it’s a juicer/blender, but STILL!!! As soon as I wrote this down on my Christmas list, I realized that I’m getting old, ha! No in all honesty, my “needs” have changed. I don’t need “things” as much as I used to anymore and I’m noticing that I’d rather do for others than do for myself more and more. I had a really hard time even finding things I needed or wanted for Christmas, instead, I’ve been trying to find ways to give to others and do for others who need it. Times are changing…
3. I’m ok with a night in and a Netflix Binge…or two.
I’ll admit it. I’m not much of a homebody, but lately, I’ve enjoyed staying in with my husband and just doing nothing. People think that just because I don’t have an outside job, that I have all of this free time. Let me tell ya, not true at all! I’ve been so busy lately that I’ve really just kind of wanted to do nothing. I’ve enjoyed Netflix filled weekends and it’s been nice just enjoying time with others and relaxing. No bars, no clubs, no nothing. Just quality one on one time with my husband and Netflix….and Charlie Hunnam. HA!
4. Life isn’t what I imagined or had planned and that’s ok…
I’ll admit it that I struggle with this MOST of all. If I had to guess what my life would have been like at 34, this probably isn’t what I would have imagined, but I’ve learned that I NEED to be ok with that. I’m lucky and I know that. I have a strong, fantastic marriage. I don’t struggle financially. I have a career that I LOVE and can’t believe where my work has taken me and the opportunities that I’ve had as a result of it. I’ve got a bed to sleep in. Great, solid friendships. A car to go where I need to. I get to travel. My life is great. Is it what I pictured? No. Are there things I wish I could change? 100 %, but doesn’t everyone? I’ve realized that my life is what I make of it and if I am the one sad about it and unhappy-then that’s my fault. Instead, I’ve tried to realize what I DO have and focus on that instead. I’m not going to make this some super sappy post and talk about my struggles, because there are some, but I’m hoping 34 is going to be the year when I am finally content with the life god has blessed me with and I quit blaming myself for what I can’t control.
5. I am a priority
Do I need to say anything else about this? I need to make myself a priority before others. I need to learn to say no and not be afraid of the consequences. It’s ok to be a little selfish from time to time if it is for the better!
6. Beyonce and a glass of wine can turn any day around…
Blast some Queen Bey and drink a good glass of wine and watch how quickly your day will turn around. #TRUTH
7. It’s ok to ask for help
I am not one to ask for help, but sometimes we just need it. It’s ok to cry in front of others and just not have any words. Just knowing that you’re beside me, holding my hand or offering advice or even a hug is enough to make a difference. I know that others might NOT have all of the answers, but the fact that I can even allow myself to open up and ask for help or let you know I’m not ok-is a HUGE improvement.
8. Friendships are so important
Friendships are a key to my happiness. It’s vital to have people in your life who love you and take an interest in YOU. I’ve met some amazing people blogging and have truly loved the relationships I’ve developed with women who share an interest in what I do and can help support me and motivate me along the way. Plus, the old friendships that have always been there. Those friendships are so important to me and I truly cherish the moments I have with my friends. That support is something I really take seriously. Plus, those phone conversations, text messages and emails are a daily part of my life and without them-I’d be lost.
9. Stop appologizing
I have realized I need to stop apologizing. It’s my life and well… Enough said. HA!
10. I’m ok with “me”
I’ve never really been ok with “me.” I never felt pretty enough. I never felt like I fit in. I felt like I had to apologize for who I was. It’s taken me now 34 years to realize that that is total BS! I have realized that if I don’t love myself and feel confident with who I am- I will forever be unhappy. It’s a hard thing to look in the mirror and really just actually point out your good points and not your flaws…really hard, but I’ve worked on it. I’ve told myself that I don’t need to be anyone but myself. I’ve let go of a lot (not all if I’m being honest) those feelings of insecurity and wishing I could change this or that. Instead, I’m trying to really focus on who I am and realizing that I am pretty badass!
What I hope for 34:
- Lots of travel! I don’t even care if it’s near or far away! Just exploring more!
- Great Food and Wine. Trying new to me restaurants more often
- FINALLY getting through all episodes of The Good Wife
- Improve my health. Just focus on exercising and my well-being
- Happiness!
- More one on one time with my family and not always having it so spread apart and rushed
- To Finish one book a month
- More opportunities for work
- To slow down and not always be on the go so often
I’m thankful for all of my friends and family (shown below) who have made this past year so amazing! Can’t wait to see what 34 brings!! xoxo!!
Theresa says
Wow! You’re 34?? How old does that make me?? ha ha
Great post. Like to think I could do some of the things that you list. I am still a work in progress as well. You are a wonderful person and that kindness that you have is a great trait – that is “you”! Hope you have a wonderful birthday and may life always be fun, exciting, warm and adventurous for you!
Vivienne says
AMEN to all of them!!! I hope you have the bestest birthday, kiddo 😉
Gillian says
I LOVE #4. It is definitely hard struggling with what you thought life would bring you by x milestone, but I believe you’re thrown curve balls and everything happens for a reason:)
And you DEFINITELY need to get through all the episodes of The Good Wife. So, so good. Where did you leave off?
Happy Birthday, Christine! I’m so glad I “found” you this year 🙂