Fall is Here….Finally
It’s time for another Monday Chat! The biggest thing I want to talk about is the fact that it’s not 90 degrees outside. It happened. Over the weekend, the wind blew in and the weather instantly changed. It FINALLY feels like fall here in Georgia. We had over 90 days in the 90’s and the heat and humidity was terrible. Sure, it’s the South, but that doesn’t mean we love sweating like crazy daily.
My weekend was lazy and I’m not upset about it at all. I got to see my beautiful Niece Sloan, who is now up to ten pounds! You have no idea how exciting it is having another girl in the family to love on and buy all the cute things for. I’m very excited about it. Other than that, we didn’t do much at all! I ordered my groceries, drank some coffee and relaxed.
What Caught My Attention
- Have you watched Unbelievable on Netflix yet? I know it’s going to be a hard show to watch, but I’ve heard it’s incredible. I plan on starting it this week.
- Beauty Favorites from Allure
- Have you read my September Reading List yet?
- This article featured on the New Yorker about “getting real” on Instagram / Also this post on reddit in response to the article
- Quite possibly THE BEST BOOK (audiobook is incredible by the way) that I’ve read (listened to) in a long time. Comes out tomorrow!
- This looks like the perfect dress for casual days and also, something when you need to look dressed up a bit. It has pockets and it’s long. Amen.
- My favorite Nespresso Pod that I’ve been loving recently
- I’m very into this new song
- Queer Eye Antoni Challenges Tan to make a French Omelette
- Chocolate and Lipsticks?!?! I need this ASAP
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