October 2014 Birchbox
Hey guys! Happy Monday! To start this week off, I thought I’d share my October 2014 Birchbox with you guys! It’s been a while since I’ve shown any of my boxes. I’m way behind since coming home from vacation and being sick. Like ridiculously behind, BUT I’ve been working tons to get caught up. Another truth? I haven’t even really looked at my past four Birchboxes that much. The boxes are still sitting behind me in my office on my desk. Oops! Hey, we all get behind from time to time, right? So let’s go ahead and get right into the October 2014 Birchbox and see what I thought about what I got!
My Thoughts?
My October 2014 Birchbox was ok! I really enjoy using the Dr. Brandt line and I love the Pores No More Collection. It’s a decent sized sample and I’ll for sure get some use out of this! Again, I also love Paula’s Choice products and this Serum is one that I already use. This is just great to have around for when I travel because it’s the perfect size to take with me. Now onto some items I haven’t tried (that’s the whole point of Birchbox, right?) The Lord & Berry eyeliner is a nice black liner with specs of gold. I haven’t tried this yet, except swatching it and was ok. I am going to use it and see how it actually turns out when applied on the lash line. The Essential Elements Shower Gel smells amazing! Another decent sized sample. I love anything and everything rosemary. I feel like this is a line of products I have heard of, but I can’t figure out from where! the LuMESH gloss is a nice color and felt pretty good on my lips. So far no drying out or anything!
Now I’ve been looking at some reviews of others boxes and let me tell ya! My box is NOTHING like their boxes, Ha! I mean that not in a good way either! I was seeing Beauty Blenders and full-sized Mally Lip Glosses. WTH! *Sigh* They can’t all be winners I suppose. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for a better box next month! Did you get a good box this month? Anything interesting? Let me know!!
Interested in Birchbox for yourself?
Birchbox is a beauty subscription box that is a monthly $10.00 charge. I’ve had some really good luck with this box and what I love most about it is, when your receive your box and you go and do a review of the products they sent you, you will get points and you can use those points to shop in their AHH-MAZING online shop! I also think that this is a great gift! You can order any full-sized product on their website as gifts, but you can also send out monthly boxes! Always great for those of you who know a beauty lover! To sign up, I’ve included a link below!
Post contains affiliate links. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
I’m still contemplating re-subscribing to Birchbox. On that note, I’m very curious how The Lord & Berry eyeliner is going to look!! It sounds like fun.
it’s pretty! I’ll take some pictures and let you know what I think about it when I use it!
*feels guilty for commenting when I was one of those people who got the full-sized Mally* I like your box, though! I’m jealous of your Paula’s Choice–I recently started using her 2% BHA Liquid and I’m obsessed. I want to try everything she makes! I got the Pores No More, too, and I’m not sure how I feel about it yet. I tried it yesterday and it didn’t seem to do much, but then again, I only gave it one chance. If you have any tips to using it, I’d love that!
I really love Paula’s Choice products. I seriously haven’t tried one that I haven’t liked yet. I think with the Pores No More-there are times I feel like it works great for mea nd others when I’m more skeptical. I think using it continuously along with other products to help prevent clogged pores, allow the product to work much better. I don’t think this is a type of product that after one time you’ll be amazed with the results. Repeated use!