To me, there is nothing worse than the struggle of having dry lips. I’ve tried loads of products and I think I’ve finally found the lip routine that works for me! If you’re tired of having dry, chapped, flaked lips, you’ll want to check out the three products I’m suggesting!
Search Results for: new year
Let's Talk Finances and How To Work On Fixing Them
My husband uttered those dreaded words we all hate to hear, right before Christmas. “After the Holiday’s we are going on a huge budget.” Today, I’m sharing some of the ways I’m working on saving money, without having to say no to everything!
I'm Going To Try Minimalism…..Yes, Really.
I’ve been feeling the need to make some major changes in my life and I’m still working on figuring out what that exactly means, but this year I’m starting something new and I think it will really, really surprise you!
The Simply Stine Book Club Is Happening
I have a huge appreciation for reading and one of my goals for 2017 is to read way more books! To help me with that goal and to show you guys how much fun books can be, I wanted to start a book club and today I’m sharing my first choice to kick off the book club! I hope you’ll join along!
What I Got For Christmas: Beauty Edition
I am in mourning over here and super depressed because yesterday, I finally took down my Christmas decorations. I don’t know about you, but there’s just something about having Christmas decorations up in the house. It makes me feel all…
Holidays with LUSH Cosmetics
LUSH Cosmetics offers some of my favorite products year round, but especially around the Holidays! Here are a few of their Holiday release that I wanted to share!