It’s that time again! The Sephora VIB Sale is starting April 7th! I’ve got all of the information you need and I’m suggesting some products that are worth taking a look at for the sale! Happy Shopping!
Search Results for: new year
My secret that I had been hiding: Anxiety
I’ve been keeping a secret and I finally want to come clean and talk about it. This is something very personal and I’m hoping that with me talking about it, even if it helps just one person who reads this post, then I can hopefully make a difference!
You CAN and you WILL!
I’ve talked about how 2016 is THE YEAR I finally do some major soul searching and work on changing parts of myself that I want to better and strengthen. I’ve had this motto so to speak that I keep telling…
The good, the bad and the real with my Diet
My entire life I’ve been rather closed about my “diet” issues and I feel like the time has come for me to just lay it all out on the table. After all, we’re friends, right?
My Favorite Concealers
Today I’m introducing a new series called Simply Stine. It’s an opportunity for you guys to ask me questions on topics that you need help with! Today’s post is all about concealers!
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My first Elizabeth Arden Skincare Review
Want a more radiant complexion? Help with enlarged pores, fine lines and wrinkles? Keep reading! My first Elizabeth Arden Skincare review!