Recently it came to my attention that Sephora was making some changes to their Beauty Insider Reward Program. What changes you might ask?!? Well based off of every headline I was reading, it seems that the Sephora Beauty Insider Reward Points will now have an expiration date!
If you’re an active shopper of Sephora, you won’t have to worry at all! Your points will still be in your points bank. However, if you’re inactive you might want to get your local Sephora store or do visit their website to place an order! To keep your Sephora Beauty Insider Reward Program active, all it takes is making a purchase, cashing in your points for a freebie, and/or also redeeming your free birthday gift to make you an active Beauty Insider again. However, if you do none of those, I’ve read that from anywhere from a year to eighteen months your Beauty Insider Reward Points will expire.

Bottom line, if you’re not participating in the Sephora Beauty Insider Reward Program, they’re marking your account as expired. Most of us won’t have any issues at all with this because of the fact that we all shop on the regular at Sephora or at least cash in our points for the freebies that they offer. However, if for some reason you’ve not made any purchases or anything in a really long time AND you have points, make sure to at least stop in the store or redeem some of your points online to keep your account active!
What do you think of the changes that Sephora is making to the program? Let me take that question one step further and ask what you think of the entire Sephora Beauty Insider Rewards Program altogether. Do you think it’s a program that really has good perks? Is it worthwhile to actually be VIB ROUGE? Let me know your thoughts!

Thank you for clarifying this, Christine!
You are so welcome! Glad it helped!
Thanks for the info! I just placed an order to redeem most of my points, but other than that I haven’t shopped at Sephora since December! I do most of my shopping at Ulta and I like their rewards system much better.
I couldn’t agree with you more! Ulta has a BOMB reward system in place! I used to never shop there and freaked if I didn’t make VIB Rouge, now Im like whatever!
wow … this is news to me. Why would they want to expire the points. I am certainly not that happy with the sephora point system. I prefer Ulta rewards point system much more. I hope they adopt something similar to Ulta.
I happen to agree with you! I think Ulta has them beat by a long shot when it comes to rewards! I just recently was able to cash in over $60.00 on my purchase at Ulta! You can’t beat that!
I guess I had better place an order! I let my points accumulate since I don’t order but a couple times a year. (I have this person who helps keep me supplied with a lot of my makeup! lol). I will be ordering soon – don’t want to lose the points.
YOu’ll be ok and won’t lose them as long as you do something (even just redeeming freebies) so don’t worry!
DON’T GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK LIKE THAT! Phew. I certainly place enough order to remain active