Happy New Year everyone! Hard to believe it’s 2019, but here we are! I’ve been enjoying the new year from my bed so far. Why you might ask?!? Because I caught the same cold/sinus infection that Rob had! So, here…
How to treat yourself and save money with Groupon
There is nothing better than a good massage, facial or even just having someone do your hair and makeup. Since I worked in the spa industry, I also know how expensive it can be, which makes treating yourself to spa services that much more difficult. Thankfully, Groupon has a very easily solution for this problem!
The good, the bad and the real with my Diet
My entire life I’ve been rather closed about my “diet” issues and I feel like the time has come for me to just lay it all out on the table. After all, we’re friends, right?
Chit Chat with Simply Stine
I’m back and today I’m chatting all about what’s been going on lately! I’ll be back to regular posting this week!
NatureBox Monthly Snack Subscription Box
It’s a new year and with that brings a lot of changes and people trying to start new, healthy habits. I, myself, am really trying to get back into the swing of things as the Holiday’s left me feeling not…
Nature Box Snack Box Opening
Just wanted to let you guys know that I did a quick, impromptu video on YouTube. I had been in talks with a company called NatureBox and they sent me a box to try! I wanted to do a first impressions video…
Book of the moment…Lauren Conrad Beauty
I was so excited to open up a Christmas gift from my Brother-in-Law and his fiancé because as soon as I saw the actual package, I knew what it was! I have a love affair with Lauren Conrad. I loved…