If you think the lives of (beauty) bloggers are merely fabulous makeup days and amazing shopping trips-you couldn’t be more wrong, ha! At least when it comes to THIS blogger. I thought I’d do a My weekend in review post. So you can get the realness that is happening over at Simply Stine. I’m sure most of you will actually relate to this, or well maybe I’m the one who isn’t so normal after all.
My husband and I actually went out to dinner. It was a last minute decision and I was already starving when we left the house. I also wasn’t exactly looking my best to say the least. I had been cleaning most of the day and doing a bunch of work, so I didn’t really think my hair and makeup was going to be a necessity that day. WRONG! Also, I should note, my outfit was less than stellar. Yeah, in all truthfulness, Friday night was one of those nights when it’s my worse nightmare for someone to actually come up and recognize me. HA! Hey, we all have those days. So we came up with a list of restaurants that we thought sounded good (my husband basically just saying ok because he doesn’t care) and as we drove to each of them, every single one of them had a crazy long line! NO! I was so hungry and I just wanted to eat some food, ha. So we ended up basically driving around Alpharetta and Roswell until finally deciding on Taco Mac (I refuse to call it TMAC) and we still ended up waiting. Oh well. We got seated in this tiny, kind of what I like to think of as the “Social Outcasts” area in Taco Mac. Little did I know that the table of 6 near the back of this room was pretty lit up. Is there anything worse than drunks when you’re actually sober and HANGRY? To make the room a little more awkward was a table of 6 with 2 younger children and a newborn-ish aged baby. The drunks were signing about not having kids and not giving a F#*% and just being down right obnoxious. It got so bad that the table with children left. Oh yeah. While not so patently waiting for my food, that’s when the drunks proceeded to serenade my husband and I with a lot of songs, that they sang while drunk and sang very loudly. Sublime, TLC, Iggy. You name it, I might have heard it. Not like serenaded us table side, but more like just singing very loudly. It was also the night that service would be extra slow and when we finally got our food, it actually wasn’t that great. NOOOOOO!
I was in need of some photo props and some other items so I went to Hobby Lobby with my husband. I have no idea why, but I always bring my husband (most of the time) to Hobby Lobby with me. Maybe it’s to keep my budget in check? I don’t know, but it’s kind of a joke between us about going to Hobby Lobby. Secretly, I think he actually enjoys going there and looking at all of the, well I don’t know. So I found a couple of things I was needing and we left. PS-Hobby Lobby had some serious amazing, very chic artwork in store! I kept walking around going “OH! Love that!” about a hundred times before we left.
I also saw that there was a giant flooring and decor store next to the store. I’ve been looking for some photo props and decided to go in and take a look. OMG!!!! This store was an interior decorators/DIY heaven. So many gorgeous slabs of granite and all sorts of wood flooring options. HEAVEN I tell you! You know you’re getting old when you are loving your Saturday afternoon spent in a Flooring store. Am I right? I wasn’t about to let the overly obnoxious guy wearing four sizes too big and three sizes to short sweatpants, chewing gum so loudly we could hear it in the back of the store, while he yelled at the employees because HE lost HIS receipt and wanted to return something. *Sigh*
The rest of the day was spent picking up dog food, going to the park with Bailey (our dog) and finally a trip to Whole Foods. Oh how I adore, but my wallet cries out when I walk in the door, Whole Foods. I didn’t grow up with grocery stores like this. We had IGA (which just had this certain smell to it and old wood floors) or Kroger. Whole Foods is another level of grocery shopping folks. Besides its unlimited amounts of amazing, organic, vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free types of food, it also features a Tapas Bar, Beer on Tap that you can drink while you shop, a Taco Bar to rival Chipotle and so much more. I can get small bites and a glass of wine while someone shops for me and I just pick up the groceries that I ordered. FANCY!!!!!! So before I get too off track, we went to Whole Foods because we wanted to make a nice meal for my FIL because we weren’t with him on his Birthday because he was in India for work. Rob and I were hungry for lunch, so we ate Tacos from the Taco Bar and had a drink before we actually started grocery shopping. No, I didn’t have someone do my shopping for me, ha!
See…hardly any makeup! This Beauty Blogger takes breaks from wearing so much every single day. Plus, he actually prefers me with none on! He’s crazy, lol! That necklace is from J Crew and I love it so much! It was a Christmas Gift and I find myself wearing it often because it’s so unlike anything I have and I love stars!!
This is Bailey. He’s a special needs pup as of lately. He has to wear this harness so we can help him walk, but he sure does love going to the park!
So we went with this menu for Saturday Night:
1. Cedar Plank Salmon with Dill and Lemon
2. Steak Kabobs
3. Garlic Roasted Potatoes
4. Shrimp Cocktail
5. Salad
6. Asparagus
7. Croissants
The Cedar Planked Salmon (Before being cooked)
The Steak Kabobs from Whole Foods are so delish!! (Before being cooked)
Some Shrimp Cocktail because why not?!?
I got these croissants at Whole Foods. They were bigger than my hand. Also, good to pay attention to prices before you check out at Whole Foods. HA! I totally misjudged this price label.
We have been majorly cleaning up the house. BIG TIME and we had a lot of junk antique type items that needed to be donated to someone who needed them more than we did. Especially since they were just sitting around. I had desks, lamps, sea shell vases, christmas ornaments and so much more. So we went and donated that before I went to Perimeter Mall to do some shopping for my niece. She’s turning 3 on Tuesday and I wanted to send her some LUSH Bath Bombs and Bubble Bars because she loves to take “magic” baths. I didn’t even dare go into Sephora or Nordstrom for fear of busting out my credit card. This Budgeting 2015 Goal is still going strong!
Dinner at Aurelios Pizza and a trip to Wal Mart ended my Sunday night. Pretty fancy, huh! Oh and I also worked on some edits for this week for the blog.
These were 50% off at CVS and I almost didn’t pick them up. Coming up on the blog!
Picked these up at LUSH over the weekend. They look much deeper, but in person, they are the softest most beautiful pink!
LUSH Bath Bombs and a Bubble Bar for my niece!

Juice Time! This one was for my husband. Spinach, Kale, Greek Yogurt, Pineapple, Blackberries and Raspberries with Chia Seeds and some Coconut Water.
Getting ready to put these caps on the beer bottles! I’m a PRO!
That’s my weekend! Today I’m spending Monday getting caught up on work, laundry and picking up the house some more. Get ready for some awesome posts this week! I’ve got lots of goodies I’ve been trying and I’m finally going to be talking about them! Plus, a haul post and maybe, just maybe a new YouTube video! Keep your fingers crossed, ha! What did you do over the weekend?
looks so delicious… Great post!
Thanks!! It was an easy meal, but super yummy!
i’ve made my own version of that lip scrub before on the blog. i love lush but not always willing to pay the prices.
Yeah, I love it also, but I splurged this time because it was for a gift for someone! I’ll check out your recipe also!
Sounds like a fun and productive weekend minus that obnoxious table of drunks LOL! I LOVE shrimp cocktail..now I want some!
Me too, ha! Shrimp Cocktail is always a good idea!!